All first-year students should take the math placement exam to determine readiness for math courses unless they have earned or expect to earn college credit (such as AP, IB, PSEO, CIS, or CAP).
Students pursuing Kinesiology or Physical Activity and Health Promotion
All first-year students should take the math placement exam to determine readiness for math courses unless they have earned or expect to earn college credit (such as AP, IB, PSEO, CIS, or CAP).
Chemistry is required for both the Kinesiology and Physical Activity and Health Promotion major. Please note that the math placement exam is also used to determine the appropriate chemistry course placement.
Students pursuing the pre-Physical Therapy track will require additional chemistry beyond what is required for the Kinesiology major.
Students pursuing all other CEHD majors
All first-year students should take the math placement exam to determine readiness for math courses unless they have earned or expect to earn college credit (such as AP, IB, PSEO, CIS, or CAP).
No placement necessary for major requirements.
Pre-Health Science, STEM (Pre CBS or CSE)
All first-year students should take the math placement exam to determine readiness for math courses unless they have earned or expect to earn college credit (such as AP, IB, PSEO, CIS, or CAP).
Please note that the math placement exam is also used to determine the appropriate chemistry course placement.